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Front page of the 2023 Annual Report2023 HTIRC Annual Report

The 2023 HTIRC Annual Report is now available online. If you would like to have a physical copy, please let us know by emailing with your full name, address, and email. Check out the Annual Report for all of the updates on what our team has accomplished in 2023.

Screenshot of the inside of the applicationAlien Forest Pest Explorer: Forest Health Applications

Alien Forest Pest Explorer is an interactive, spatial tool that compiles data from many sources to visualize the current range of invasive pests and provide inventory statistics about status and trends of their hosts. Sue Crocker, Randy Morin, and Songlin Fei will provide an overview of the research and development of this tool, and then demonstrate how it can be used to inform forest health planning at state and regional levels.

From left, HTIRC Director Charles Michler, Senator Richard Lugar, Bob Burke, and Purdue University FNR Department Head Dennis LeMaster at an HTIRC event in 1999.In Memoriam: Bob Burke

The HTIRC mourns the passing of Bob Burke, whose dedication and passion for forestry have left an indelible mark on our organization. Bob was instrumental in establishing the HTIRC at Purdue and served on our Advisory Committee since the beginning. His invaluable insights and guidance helped shape our mission and priorities. Bob’s unwavering commitment to advancing the science of tree improvement and sustainable forestry has been integral to our efforts and will continue to inspire us in the years to come. We pay tribute to his life of service and are grateful for his contributions to forestry and the HTIRC.

Person holding a tree plant in the research plot in Sweden.Taking Environmental Expertise Abroad Brings Ideas Back Home

Congratulations to HTIRC's Jingjing Liang and Doug Jacobs whose international work was featured in the winter 2024 issue of Envision Magazine.

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